HomeNewsBody of man recovered from River Shannon

Body of man recovered from River Shannon


25/08/2015 REPRO FREE RESCUE divers in Limerick, who aim to prevent suicides on the River Shannon, are to cut their response times to just 90 seconds, with the help of a new floating pontoon. Suicide attempts among men, women, and teenagers, has reached crisis levels in Limerick, with barely a week passing without someone jumping into the river. Limerick Marine Search and Rescue Service (LMSARS) launched a new Û70,000 floating pontoon on the city's quays, which will speed up the time it takes them to get to a drowning casualty. Tony Cusack,founding member of the service payed tribute to local philanthropist and horse racing tycoon JP McManus for fitting the bill for the new pontoon, Tony said: "It's been my dream for the service to have something like this for many years. I'd like to thank JP McManus for helping us. It means we will cut our response times to about 90 seconds." Limerick Marine Search and Rescue service crew members, Tom Cusack, and Jason Murphy set out from the new pontoon on a training drill. Picture: Alan Place/Fusionshooters.
Divers from the Limerick Marine Search and Rescue Service (LMSARS) recovered the man’s remains this Monday from the River Shannon.   Picture: Alan Place.

THE body of a man has been recovered from the River Shannon this Monday lunchtime following a series of extensive daily searches since before Christmas.

A spokesperson from Limerick Marine Search and Rescue Service confirmed that a three man volunteer crew recovered the man’s remains from the water at an area known as Meelick Light shortly after 1.30pm.

The remains were brought from the water to the slipway at Atlas Avenue off the Dock Road and transferred to the University Hospital Limerick for formal identification and post mortem examination.

Limerick Marine Search and Rescue Service had been conducting two searches per day – including Christmas and New Year’s Day, after two reports of persons seen entering the water in Limerick during December.

Searches have now concluded, the spokesperson confirmed.

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