Irish Airports remain open

THE Irish Aviation Authority reports that Irish Airspace continues to be clear of volcanic ash. However, the ash cloud situated over the North Atlantic is drifting in over the Iberian Peninsula, and other parts of southern Europe, with a consequential risk to flight in those areas.

Irish Airports are expected to be open until at least midnight tonight. However, North Atlantic flights and flights to / from Southern Europe may be impacted over the weekend. Airspace over Northern Scotland may also be at risk later today. Passengers should regularly check their airline websites for up-to-date information in this regard.

The Irish Aviation Authority says it is in constant contact with Volcanic Ash Advisory Centre (VAAC) and the Central Flow Management Unit (CFMU) at Eurocontrol and is monitoring the path of the ash cloud in order to assess the impact it could have on air safety.

The cloud currently measures approximately 1,000 miles long and 800 miles wide.

Passengers planning to travel by air over the coming days are advised to regularly check their airline websites and the IAA website in advance of going to the airport.

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