Cllrs demand action on clamping

CLAMPING of cars by private companies should not be permitted without the consent of Limerick City Council.
The contentious issue of clamping was again raised by city councillors at a meeting in City Hall recently. Stressing that he has, on a number of occasions, called for an official report on clamping in the city, from City Hall executives, Cllr Pat Kennedy said he had also requested a report from the city manager.

He was commenting, following Cllr Kieran O’Hanlon’s denouncement of clamping in the city.
“I’ve also called for a report on clamping in the city – if it is to continue, the process should go through the democratic process, by voting on it,” said Cllr O’Hanlon, who added:

“I want a report on how it is operated and how people can be clamped without the authority of this council”.
In agreement, Cllr Ger Fahy said there is a lot of anger among members of the public about clamping.
“There’s no cap on what the private companies can charge the motorists when their cars are clamped. I very strongly believe that we must check out the legality of the situation, as at the moment, it is totally out of order,” he said.
