Parents bite back on orthodontic issues

Waiting lists could be slashed – consultant

THE MID-WEST’S only consultant orthodontist wants immediate action taken by the government to address public waiting lists for children needing braces.
Dr Ted McNamara of St Camillus Hospital, points out that recommendations made eight years can free up four-year waiting lists at little cost-if introduced.

Private treatment, he said, costs up to £4,000 – “which is a huge amount of money for most”.
He alleged that there is a lot of obscene dental politics involved.
“Politicians are afraid to take action on 2002 and 2005 reports from the Joint Oireachtais Committees on Health and Children, that made very good recommendations.
“They found that certain practices are artificially blocking the system and creating longer waiting lists -these politicians need to have the courage to implement the changes recommended”.
Dr McNamara has written to Minister for Health, Dr James Reilly, and asked him to implement the recommendations.
Biteback, a group of concerned parents who are working together for children in need of braces, also want the government to act.
At the first public meeting on the issue last year, 300 parents with children on the HSE orthodontic waiting list turned up. Biteback secretary, Ursula Cosgrove, explained the situation to the Limerick Post:
“We are frustrated with the long delays and want to hear from parents in the same situation. My child was on the list for orthodontic treatment for eight years”.
The parent-run group is developing a website which will include an online petition.
“We want our children taken off the waiting list and we need to get our current Minister for Health to act”.
The issue, she added, is affecting hundreds of parents.
“At present, they are visiting local health centres and being told the waiting list is three to four years, and that they are better off going private. A lot of parents aren’t even going on the waiting list, so if we have 1,100 and 1,200 children in the Mid West, that’s not a true reflection.
“There are thousands of children in need of treatment”
She said that internationally, 30% of children needed orthodontic treatment, which means that the correct figure for the Mid West could be around 6,000.
“We would encourage parents to put their children on the waiting list to make it more accurate”.
Biteback meet at Watchhouse Cross library on the first Thursday of every month.
Anyone seeking more information can contact Biteback via email at
