Mothers grief over twins’ grave

Exhumation considered
THE heartbreak of a young woman whose infant twin boys are buried in Mount St Oliver cemetery, is exacerbated by the proximity to their grave of what she describes as a towering tombstone.
Speaking of her anguish to the Limerick Post the grieving mother, whose babies died just one year ago, says that on a recent visit, a relative had a very difficult time in trying to locate their grave because the identification plaque “is completely hidden by an overhanging 4’6” tombstone”.

However, the superintendent of cemeteries’ services, Flan Haskett, has told the Limerick Post that the owner of this triple grave has complied with the height restrictions.
“The tombstone and foundation are in front of this lady’s plot- there are a lot of adornments on it, but when you consider that years ago in the old Mount St Lawrence cemetery, there were very imposing Celtic Crosses up to 6’ 5” on the graves of the city’s merchant princes, this relatively new style of headstone is also indicative of other people’s culture”.
Pointing out that should she erect a headstone on her children’s grave, “it would look lost,” next to the adjoining triple grave, the mother said she is finding it increasingly distressing to visit the cemetery.
“I go twice a week and find it hard enough but it makes me angry to see this huge tombstone bedecked with ornaments etc. overshadowing our grave.
“I have seriously considered an exhumation and opening a grave in another area of the cemetery, but have been told that I would have to bear the cost of this myself, and even if I did have the babies relocated to a new grave, who would want to buy this plot, given that it is overshadowed.
“It would be traumatic to have an exhumation and a reburial carried out, but even if I did so, what guarantee would I have that one day I’d not find another colossal grave and tombstone erected next to the new grave”.
Speaking sensitively about the young mother’s concern, Mr Haskett said he understands the great distress she is experiencing.
Exhumation does occur but, yes, there is the possibility that she could experience a similar situation in another location.
“To carry out an exhumation, the owner of the grave has to obtain a licence from the city council and approval from the HSE – it could be carried out within two months at the owner’s expense, and they would have to dispose of the former grave as the council never buys them back”.
