The 2nd Horse Outside is n(e)igh

FETED by The Rubberbandits when launched in July last year, The Horse Outside at The Hunt Museum has proved to be a smash attraction. This elegant 8′ fibreglass equine is a colourful riot of themes linked to The Hunt Collection, and created by children and teenagers from Regeneration areas.
It’s a beautiful work, connecting those on the project with works of art and history in the Hunt Collection. Stabled for the winter at the museum, soon The Horse Outside will be out to ‘graze’ with the 2nd Horse Outside, thanks to this year’s voluntary scheme with Southill Outreach and Limerick Youth Service. At least eight children are involved, three of whom have worked on previous projects under the working title of Limerick Corridor Art.

“Last year’s Horse Outside was a one off thing but we wanted to build on the strength of it, from the museum’s point of view and that of the kids’,” admits Dr Hugh McGuire, director at The Hunt.  “The 2nd Horse Outside will echo what we did with the first one and complement it”.
Angela Connolly is the County Limerick VEC art teacher who initiated this fun project through Limerick Corridor Art that expands on a whole range of craft, work and social skills for those taking part. There is also the enduring legacy of the horses, now set to be a ‘brand’. With much needed sponsorship, a series could materialise over the years, each one a unique, beautiful totem to youth achievement in the city.
“It’s all voluntary on my part, working two hours a week after school with the children at LEDP in Roxboro,” explains Angela. “We also take the group through The Hunt Collection on a private familiarisation trip where they can take photographs of the artefacts that they each like best, and we will go to the National Gallery to see famous paintings such as the Carvaggio there.
“This year the horse will be painted according to a spiritual-religious theme to complement that of some items in the collection. We have a workshop to learn about spiritual colours, for example, blue for the Virgin Mary’s cloak, purple being associated with Lent, red for the Holy Spirit”.
