The Limerick Chorus will sound for mid-summer

A ONE man engine is pulling much on track for Limerick’s first international choral festival, The Limerick Chorus. June next year should see the city host to numerous choirs from overseas, the rest of Ireland and of course, the Mid-West, with performances in community and respite centres as well as established venues.
Bass/ baritone Ger Reidy got in touch with Limerick Post to tell interested parties of this awfully big adventure to get all parts and peoples of Limerick involved.
“The homework began in December 2011 and I am hoping to launch The Limerick Chorus in August 2012,” Ger says. “What I am hoping for this festival is to bring choirs in from around the world. I have already spoken to a group of 14 city based hotels that would like to host visiting choirs and tourists, quoting favourable corporate rates for those involved”.
What fired Ger Reidy’s impetus was an interview he read in Mid West Business Magazine on tourism locally.

“I made notes on what could be done to improve things and given that we did not have an international choral festival, I put a proposal out and about to different possible stakeholders and I am getting a great reaction”.
Attention, reader. This man is a doer as well as a singer with Limerick Choral Union, as was his father before him. Two years ago the recession closed Ger’s hitherto successful business and lucky enough to find work at ISS Facilities, he wants to fight the good fight for this town.
“One condition choirs who want to be part of The Limerick Chorus will have to meet is a 20 minute minimum performance in either Lisnagry or Bawnmore, a hospital or community centre. There will also be a ‘big sing’ together in June 2013 when all voices will come together in Bedford Row or People’s Park on one particular night”.
Contact Gerard Reidy on 087-9055248 or email if you would like to volunteer service for this Mid-Summer festival.
