Easing the way back to college

StudyBench_1February 1 is the final date for application through the CAO for mature students in Limerick applying to third level college and LIT’s Downtown Centre educational guidance service is looking to make the transition as easy as possible.

If you are aged 23 or older since January 1, you are eligible to be considered as a ‘mature student’ applicant to a third level college.

This year all third level colleges in Limerick including the University of Limerick, Limerick Institute of Technology and Mary Immaculate College are requiring all mature students to make an application though the CAO system. The easiest way of doing this is online at www.cao.ie.

The Downtown Centre, situated in the LIT building on George’s Quay, is offering assistance with information, advice and guidance for those trying to get their heads round the application process, making the right course choices, accessing courses, and how to apply for grants or other financial assistance.

The centre offers a free, confidential service, and appointments can be arranged through their website at www.downtowncentre.ie.

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CAO applications made by January 20 will get see applications get the ‘early bird’ application fee of €25. Applicants who leave it until the final closing date of February 1 will have to pay a fee of €40.

Meanwhile, the University of Limerick is holding an open day this Saturday, January 18 from 10am to 2pm when mature students and other adult learners are especially welcome.

Mary Immaculate College is also holding an open day this Saturday from 11am to 1pm. For further information or to book a campus tour contact the student recruitment officer on 061-774775.

Limerick Institute of Technology holds an information and study skills seminar at its Moylish campus this Thursday, January 16 from 4 to 7pm.

The Mature Student Office, University of Limerick and LIT’s Downtown Centre on George’s Quay will be running a number of free evening seminars between January and March to help with preparations for going to college.

For details log onto www.downtowncentre.ie or www.ul.ie/mso.
