Inconsiderate Dog Owners/ Walkers causing hazards for others during Covid-19 restrictions

limerick dog owners limerick post news local news community
Dog poo clean-up

LIMERICK City and County Council is once again appealing to dog owners and walkers to clean up after their dogs if they have to go to the toilet while walking.

The number of complaints to the Council has risen in the past number of weeks, coinciding with the Covid-19 restrictions and the 2km limit from home imposed by the government.

The message is clear and simple.

If your dog poos while out walking, use a bag to clean it up. Dispose of the bag in a litter bin or bring it home and dispose of it there.

More and more people are limited in where they can walk their pets now due to the 2km limit from home imposed by the government and this has resulted certain areas becoming more popular for dog walking.


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Unfortunately, inconsiderate dog owners/ walkers are not collecting the poo after their pooches, resulting in a health hazard for others out walking.

In such a time where communities and people are banding together to help each other during the Covid-19 crisis, it appears people don’t see picking up after their animals as their responsibility.

As part of an awareness campaign, Limerick City and County Council has joined with the Limerick Leader and the Limerick Post newspapers and Live95 radio for a digital campaign to highlight the importance of picking up the poo.

Mayor of the City and County of Limerick Cllr Michael Sheahan said: “It’s very hard to comprehend the actions of some dog owners. One of the responsibilities of being a dog owner is that you clean up after them. So do the decent and right thing and pick it up.”

“During this time when resources are stretched due to Covid-19 restrictions, stop this immature practice of not cleaning up after your dog. The resources of the Council need to be focused on providing essential services for the citizens of Limerick, not cleaning up after dogs because their owners are too lazy to bend down and clean it up themselves. How selfish is that?”

Sinead McDonnell, Environment Awareness Officer with Limerick City and County Council said: “We have joined forces with local media to once again highlight the need for owners/ walkers to clean up after their pooches. It is a simple message, that unfortunately a cohort of people are not getting.”

“Dog Poo left on walkways and footpaths means it is difficult for others to enjoy their walks within our 2km limit as they are too busy dodging poo left by others. Please pick up after your dog.”
