Action needs to be taken to deal with the scourge of fireworks this Halloween

ACTION needs to be taken to deal with the scourge of fireworks this Halloween
Limerick City North Labour Councillor Conor Sheehan has called for action to deal with the scourge of fireworks this Halloween.
Cllr Sheehan said: “Communities all across the Northside in particular in my own immediate locality of Lower Park and Rhebogue are being driven demented by fireworks. Yesterday I witnessed a banger set off adjacent to the canal and residents in both areas are often kept awake at night due to the noise and sparks from these fireworks.
“We cannot go through a week or ten days of this until Halloween and action needs to be taken to stamp this behaviour out. These fireworks are illegal and dangerous and someone could be seriously injured. Our hospitals and emergency services have enough to deal with at the minute without adding firework or Halloween related incidents to their workload.
“I raised this recently with senior Gardaí at the Joint Policing Committee and will be contacting them again to express my concerns and to request more high visibility patrols of the area and to enquire abort the roll out of operation Tombola which is the Garda’s policing plan to deal with fireworks.
“These Level 5 restrictions are tough on all of us and people do not need the additional stress and danger  of fireworks. I would appeal on all parents to please monitor their teenagers and ensure that they are not congregating in clubs this Halloween.