Funding boost for Limerick outdoor amenities

Ballyhoura Mountains.
OUTDOOR adventure projects across Ireland will receive funding of €215,411, encouraging the community in Limerick to enjoy the hidden gems on our doorsteps this summer, Fine Gael Minister Patrick O’Donovan has said.
“I am delighted to welcome the news from Minister for Rural and Community Development, Heather Humphreys. The funding falls under the Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Scheme (ORIS), will be key to enhancing our outdoor amenities such as our walkways, cycleways, rivers, and lakes”.
“This funding will help develop six outdoor adventure projects across Limerick which will attract visitors to mountain trails, forest walks, rivers, lakes and greenways across the county.”
The Ballyhoura region will receive founding of €59,563, Lough Gur Walkway €50,000, Monument Hill Walkway Foynes €50,000, Moore Abbey Loop Walks €30,000 and National Walking trails – Map boards in the County will receive €25,848.
Minister O’Donovan continued: “It will also provide a major boost to local economies by attracting visitors and furthering our reputation in Limerick as a destination for adventure tourism and I will continue to work with my colleague in Government Minister Heather Humphreys to ensure County Limerick receives the maximum funding possible.”
Minister Humphreys added: “County Limerick will benefit greatly from today’s announcement so if you’re a walker, a swimmer, a cyclist or even a fisherman – check out the list to see what’s happening in your county”.