Major changes planned for South Circular Road route to Limerick City Centre

Photomontage of the proposed bicycle lanes on Henry and O'Curry Streets.

SEGREGATED cycle lanes, traffic calming measures and and fewer on-street parking spaces are among the plans announced by Limerick City and County Council’s Active Travel team for the route between the South Circular Road and the city centre.

The development works will include segregated cycle lanes, shared carriageway and footpath upgrades on the R526 (north-east of Ballykeefe Roundabout), along South Circular Road and Henry Street to Mill Lane in Limerick City Centre, with dedicated pedestrian and cycle crossing facilities throughout.

The traffic calming measures will include raised table junctions, upgrade of junctions, reduced carriageways, changes to speed limits, and traffic signals at the Ashbourne Avenue/New Street and Henry Street/Mallow Street junctions.

On-street parking spaces will be removed and redistributed to facilitate cycle lanes and will include ten spaces on the corner of South Circular Road and Laurel Hill Avenue.

Traffic restrictions will include access from the South Circular Road to the City Centre being diverted to Ballinacurra Road; the removal of the right turn from Ballinacurra Road to South Circular Road and from Lifford Avenue to South Circular Road; the removal of the left turn from Boreen an Tobair to South Circular Road and the extension of the existing one way system on South Circular Road to the junction with Clontarf Place.


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New one way streets will include Quin Street, St Gerard Street and Mill Lane.

The plans also include road resurfacing, road markings, coloured surfacing, surface water and foul drainage works, public lighting, services, and landscaping works including removal of a tree at junction of South Circular Road and Lifford Avenue.

Active Travel Senior Engineer Sean McGlynn said they were now at the stage where they were looking for the public’s input and there is a range of public consultation options, from a virtual room to drop-in meetings.

As part of the consultation process, a virtual public consultation room has been created to guide people through the proposals. The consultation room can be accessed here

A series of drop-in sessions are also planned in the community where members of the public can come along, meet the team behind the proposals and get further information before making a submission.

The sessions will be held as follows: Fennessy’s Pub, New Street on Thursday, October 6 from 12 noon to 2pm; Room G10, Mary Immaculate College onThursday, October 6 from 5 to 7pm; Room G10, Mary Immaculate College on Wednesday, October 19 from 5 to 7pm and the Citizen Innovation Lab, UL City Campus, Sarsfield Street on Thursday, October 20 from 12 noon to 2pm

Submissions must be received before 4pm on Thursday, November 10.
