Minister to address Limerick farming and climate summit

IFA President Tim Cullinan.

AGRICULTURE Minister Charlie McConalogue will deliver the keynote address at a national farming and climate summit organised by the Irish Farmers’ Association (IFA) in Thomond Park next Tuesday.

IFA president Tim Cullinan said the purpose of the summit is to bring farmers together with policymakers to fully understand what lies ahead in the context of the value of the agricultural sector to the economy and in terms of food production.

“The farming sector faces unprecedented policy challenges, not just on emissions, but from other policies coming from Europe including rewetting through nature restoration laws, the Sustainable Use Directive and the Industrial Emissions Directive,” Mr Cullinan explained.

“While we now have a Climate Action Plan set out by the Government, there are huge details to be worked out including what funding the Government intends to provide to help farmers adopt new measures.”

Mr Cullinan stressed that farmers recognise the climate challenge and are keen to play their part.


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“However, this cannot be at the expense of their livelihoods. Much greater engagement is needed with farmers to ensure we can farm sustainably while still developing our sector and enhancing the social infrastructure in rural Ireland,” he added.
