Two phones stolen from the same van in Limerick

Garda John Finnerty.

A DELIVERY driver was left without a way of calling Gardaí for help after not one but two mobile phones were taken from his van in the centre of Limerick City.

According to Garda John Finnerty of Henry Street Garda Station, the driver had parked his black Mercedes Sprinter van on Lower Cecil Street at the time of the theft, leaving it unlocked while he went to make a delivery in a nearby shop.

“When he came back to the van at 5.30pm, there were two mobile phones stolen from the front of the van. The driver had only left the van unlocked for 10 minutes,” Garda Finnerty said.

The Henry Street Garda said there have been a “noticeable rise in similar crimes in Limerick City over the past few weeks”, and warned delivery drivers to “lock the van every time you leave it, even if it’s only for a few minutes”.

“There are many opportunistic criminals out there who will target vehicles left unlocked even if only for short periods of time.”


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Investigating Gardaí are appealing to members of the public who may have seen something or have potentially useful information to come forward.

“If you were around this area between 5.20pm and 5.30pm on Monday 16th October, and if you did see this crime unfold, then we would like to hear from you. Please contact the Gardaí at Henry St Garda Station, the number is 061 212 400,” Garda Finnerty concluded.
