Public consultation on phase three of Cork-Limerick road upgrade

Limerick to Cork N20

A PUBLIC consultation on various aspects of a major Limerick road will take place across the coming weeks.

Limerick City and County Council are seeking the public’s views and opinions on various aspects of the proposed N/M20 road that will link Limerick and Cork.

Since the transport solution for the upgrading of the road was published in March 2022, designers, engineers, and planners have worked on the design elements of the road, which will aim to cut journey times between the two cities, and increase safety by reducing the number of collisions that take place on the existing route.

The project team will now host a series of online webinars, as well as an online feedback form to gauge public opinion on the landmark road project.

In particular, the design team would like to hear opinions from members of the public, as well as stakeholders, on reducing the width of the mainline corridor from 500m to 200m, identifying the location of junctions, link roads, side roads, and active travel corridors, the provision of transport hubs to facilitate interchange to public transport services, car sharing, active travel, and en-route EV charging facilities.

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The online webinars will be held on November 29 and December 6 at 7pm, with the online feedback forum going live so interested parties can have their say.

Further information is available on

Limerick City and County Council, in partnership with Cork County Council, Cork City Council, Transport Infrastructure Ireland, and the Department of Transport are continuing to progress phase three of the project, focusing on design and environmental evaluation.
