Limerick TD calls for trial judges to be given powers to impose minimum sentences

Limerick TD Willie O'Dea.

FIANNA Fáil TD Willie O’Dea has questioned the Government in the Dáil about the need for a trial judge to be given power to impose a minimum period of incarceration for murder cases, especially “heinous” cases, such as the murders of Aisling Murphy and Kevin Sheehy.

“10 years has elapsed since the Law Reform Commission recommended that, in murder cases, the trial judge should be given power to impose a minimum period of incarceration.”

“From reading its report, it is obvious that the commission had in mind especially heinous cases, such as this one and the case of my constituent Kevin Sheehy, who was murdered in an equally heinous manner, the aftermath of which was very badly handled by the State,” he said.
