Citizen’s Corner: Wedding bells

man and woman holding hands focus photo
Stock photo: Jeremy Wong Weddings/Unsplash.

Q. I am thinking of proposing to my partner on Valentine’s Day. They’re not from Ireland so I’m wondering what are the steps to getting legally married here?

Thanks for getting in touch and best of luck with your proposal – what an exciting time for you both. There’s a couple of steps involved in this, so let’s break it down a little.

Step 1: Book a notification appointment with HSE civil registration service

To get married in Ireland you need to get a marriage registration form (sometimes called a marriage licence or green folder). This is needed for all civil, religious, or secular marriages.

The appointment needs to be at least three months before you intend to get married, starting from the marriage notification appointment date.


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Step 2: Preparing for the notification appointment

At the meeting, both of you will need valid ID and at least one of the following: passport, refugee card/asylum card issued by the Department of Justice, national identity card from an EU country.

You will also need: original and photocopies of your birth certificates; proof of address; both your PPS numbers.

If your documents are not in English or Irish, you must provide translations. If either of you have been married before, you will need additional documentation around that.

Step 3: Attending the appointment

Here you will meet the registrar and sign a declaration stating that you do not know of any legal reason why the marriage cannot happen.

You will be asked for the date, venue, and solemniser of the marriage (the person performing the ceremony). You will also be asked to supply the names of two witnesses (who must be over 18) and their dates of birth.

There is also a non-refundable notification fee of €200 payable on the day.

Step 4: The big day

There are lots of options around where and who can perform the wedding ceremony, be it civil, secular, or religious.

If you decide on a civil ceremony, it can be conducted in the registrar’s offices or, at an additional cost, the registrar will travel to your venue.

In religious or securlar cemonies, you bring the marriage registration form to your ceremony where the person presiding will sign it, along with you, your new spouse, and your two witnesses.

Step 5: Getting your marriage certificate

After the ceremony you have a maximum of one month to return the green folder to the HSE civil registration office – this signed document is the legal evidence of your marriage.

You can then apply for you marriage certificate at a cost of €20.

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