Brazen thief barged into Limerick restaurant and grabbed woman’s handbag

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GARDAÍ in Limerick have issued a warning after a unsuspecting woman had her handbag stolen while enjoying a meal a city centre restaurant this past weekend.

According to Gardaí, the woman was sitting down to have a meal in the restaurant on Saturday (February 10) just after 10.30pm, and had hung her handbag on the back of the chair that she was sitting on.

Suddenly, a man ran into the restaurant, grabbed the woman’s bag, and ran out of the building and into the night with the woman’s bag in tow.

Gardaí at Henry Street Garda Station are continuing to investigate all the circumstances around the theft.

Crime Prevention Officer at Henry Street Garda Station, Sergeant Ber Leetch, advised that there are a few simple steps people can follow to ensure their personal belongings are safe while out socialising in a busy or crowded area.


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“When I am out in town, I wear a cross body bag and keep it on me at all times. If I do put it down, I have got into the habit of standing on the strap,” Sgt Leetch said.

“I have read of so many thefts of handbags where the owners were not even aware that the bag was gone until later.”

Sergeant Leetch appealed for people to always be mindful of their belongings and their surroundings to ensure they don’t become victims of theft.
