Limerick gives a resounding No in Family referendum

a person is casting a vote into a box
Photo: Element5 Digital/Unsplash.

VOTERS across Limerick said a resounding ‘No’ to Friday’s Family referendum, as a snap result shows the government’s proposed constitutional amendment was defeated by a landslide on Shannonside. 

A snap result showed that the Family referendum was rejected by 22,195 ‘No’ votes to 10,291 ‘Yes’ votes in Limerick City.

In County Limerick, similar results were returned with 21,602 ‘No’ votes to 8,145 ‘Yes’.

The total turnout for the Family referendum was 32,837 out of a 75,651 electorate in Limerick City and 30,053 of 70,551 in the county.

This comes as Limerick Minister of State Kieran O’Donnell expressed early expectation of a government defeat a number of hours ago at the count centre at Limerick Racecourse in Patrickswell citing “confusion” on the part of voters.


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A result for the Care referendum will be confirmed later today.
