Limerick celebrates ‘difficult’ women

Women's Collective Ireland celebrated inspirational 'difficult' women.

WOMENS Collective Ireland Limerick hosted its annual International Women’s Day event last week, with this year’s rather unique theme set as ‘Difficult Women’.

Almost 90 women from all over Limerick City and County gathered in the Savoy Hotel on Henry Street to celebrate, remember, and honour ‘difficult’ women everywhere.

The event boasted a presentation from local historian, author, and Limerick Post columnist, Sharon Slater, who spoke about ‘difficult’ women throughout history and their battles and accomplishments.

The event also featured a number of local Limerick activists who recited poetry and spoke about the women they most admired and their journeys towards being ‘difficult women’.

Speaking on the out-of-the-box theme, Women’s Collective Ireland Limerick coordinator Yvie Murphy said: “We chose the theme of ‘Difficult Women’ for our International Women’s Day event this year as so many of the women we know, respect, and love have, at one point, been seen as ‘difficult’ for merely pointing out injustices or standing up for themselves.”


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“We wanted to name this and let women all over the county know that they weren’t alone in fighting for better treatment or gender equality.  It was wonderful to be in a room surrounded by so many amazing and ‘difficult’ women,” Ms Murphy told the Limerick Post.

Limerick’s branch of Women’s Collective Ireland is part of a national network that works with all women and promotes gender equality through their work. More information on the group, including upcoming events, can be found on
