14 new housing units to be built in Carew Park

Fine Gael councillor Sarah Kiely has welcomed the announcement.

FINE Gael councillor Sarah Kiely has deemed the announcement of 14 housing units set for Carew Park in Limerick City this year as “a welcome development”, albeit “long overdue”.

The community of Carew Park is set to witness significant progress with the construction of 14 new housing units opposite Colivet Court. Accessible via De Vera Court and Sunnyside Court, this development, Cllr Kiely believes, marks a significant step forward in addressing the housing needs in the area.

The project will consist of a mix of spacious units, with six three-bedroom and eight two-bedroom homes, catering to various family sizes and demographics wishing the community. This initiative aims to provide comfortable and modern living spaces for residents in need of social housing solutions.

“I am thrilled to announce this pivotal development in Carew Park. The addition of these units will not only enhance the housing landscape but also contribute to the wellbeing and stability of our community,” Cllr Kiely told the Limerick Post.

“Many people have been in touch already regarding allocation. This will be decided once they have been completed, as with any development, under Limerick City and County Council.


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“This progress comes after the withdrawal of Peter McVerry from the project, underscoring the resilience and determination of stakeholders within the council and the councillors to see this initiative through to fruition,” she concluded.
