Homelessness continues to rise in Mid West

Limerick Sinn Féin Senator Paul Gavan

THE latest government homelessness report shows that the number of people who are homeless in Limerick and the Mid West is continuing to rise.

There were 475 adults and 163 children recorded as being homeless in the government’s report for February, an increase on the previous month which recorded 445 adults and 131 children as being without a home.

Nationally, homelessness has reached a new record high of 13,841 people across the state, including 4,170 children. All categories including single people, families, and pensioners have seen increases.

Sinn Fein Senator Paul Gavan said “the Department of Housing has also released figures confirming that the government missed the new build social housing targets for 2023 and all of their affordable housing scheme targets”.

“Homelessness is rising because the government’s social and affordable housing targets are too low and are being missed every single year.”

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Calling for a general election, Senator Gavan said that “this Government is not capable of solving this crisis”.

“The longer they are in government, the worse the housing crisis is going to get. People in Limerick deserve so much better than this.

“How high will Simon Harris allow homelessness numbers to rise before he accepts this fact?” Senator Gavan asked.
