Limerick Gardaí investigating theft of newly-bought car

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A LIMERICK Garda Sergeant has issued a warning after a man was scammed when buying a car.

When the man saw the car on a Facebook group and all seemed to be legitimate, he met with the seller on April 3 and agreed to buy the vehicle.

The man was given the car keys and the log book and took the car home, according to Crime Prevention Officer at Henry Street Garda Station, Sergeant Ber Leetch.

An hour later, the man looked out the window of his home to see that his new car was gone.

He believes that the seller had a second key and took the car from the man’s home. Gardaí are now investigating if this was the case.


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Sergeant Leetch said that it’s always a case of “buyer beware” when buying items online.

Buyer beware is the best advice, although this young man could not have anticipated what happened. I wanted to make other online car buyers aware of this type of fraud,” Sergeant Leetch said.
