Gardaí ramp up measures to deal with troubles in Limerick City

Superintendent Andrew Lacey with new Henry Street Community Gardaí Sgt Aoife Bannon, Sgt Rosaleen O'Connor, and Sgt Michael Gallagher. Photo: Brendan Gleeson.

GARDAÍ have started a campaign in Limerick which will see convicted criminals and individuals found begging aggressively barred from the city centre.

The move is part of a campaign by the force to combat anti-social behaviour on the streets in the city, which has been criticised widely across recent months.

Among the measures being undertaken are a targeted approach to aggressive begging, which form part of the strategy around attaining exclusion orders or anti-social behaviour orders.

Obtaining such orders involve bringing an application before the District Court once breaches have occurred and evidence gathered by Gardaí and targeted arrest operations for recidivist offenders.

Also under the new campaign, more Gardaí have been assigned to patrol the city streets, with overtime hours increased and supervisors having been tasked with going on the beat during peak times – a move which has been met with much welcome from city traders and residents alike.


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The warrants office at Henry Street Garda Station are carrying out street checks two to three times a week and bringing persons before the court where bench warrants are in existence. Conditions to stay out of the city centre are sought if the bench warrant is related to thefts of act of violence.

Four additional community Gardaí were also assigned to Henry Street Garda Station in recent weeks, increasing the number of community officer from eight to 12.

Body Worn Cameras (BWC) are due to go live later this month, with Limerick being a pilot city in a wider national plan, and measures are being examined with a city centre focus including the consideration of introduction of Community Safety wardens.

Local Fianna Fáil TD Willie O’Dea welcomed the city initiative, saying that he has been “making regular representations to the Gardai about anti-social behaviour and aggressive begging in the city centre”.

“Many businesses and shoppers have been in touch with me about this problem,” he said. “Thankfully now the Gardaí are implementing an action plan to deal with the issue, including extra Gardai policing the city centre and a greater Garda visibility there.”

“Already business people in town are reporting to me that the situation has improved significantly.”
