Gardaí stop driver travelling over 200km/h on Limerick road

Gardaí stopped the driver with their new VW Golf GTI.

GARDAÍ in Limerick last week arrested a driver found to be travelling at more than 80km/h over the speed limit.

The driver was later discovered to be under the influence of drugs.

That’s according to the An Garda Síochána Limerick Facebook page, which reported that roads policing members, using the new Garda VW Golf GTI car, pulled over a driver found travelling 202km/h in a 120 speed zone.

Gardaí said “the driver was also subject to a roadside drug test, which they failed”.

The driver was arrested and a court appearance is to follow in relation to dangerous driving charges.


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Pending the results of the drug test sample taken, Gardaí say the possibility of further charges for the driver remains open.
