Concerns raised over “glaring eyesore” on Arthur’s Quay

bus shelterCONCERNS have been raised in relation to a “decrepit” bus shelter on Arthur’s Quay in Limerick city centre, with one local resident describing it as a “glaring eyesore”.

John McCarthy, originally from Galway and now living in Corbally, spoke of his anger over the condition of the bus shelter, which is often the first impression that visitors have of the city.

Speaking to the Limerick Post earlier this week, Mr McCarthy called for the facility to be improved, particularly given the amount of tour buses that stop at the location, as well as the Dublin Coach service.

He said: “It is the first thing tourists see when the disembark from a bus or exit the tourist office. The shelter is damaged, covered in graffiti and the roof is covered in algae.

“It has been like that for a long time. A lot of tour buses stop off there and I often get the bus from there to Corbally and I’m faced with looking at that.”

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Mr McCarthy referred to the bus shelter as a “glaring eyesore” and, on the back of the announcement of the Limerick 2030 plan, he said that there are more pressing issues to be addressed first.

“I read about the plans for 2030 and while grandiose plans are all very well, in the meantime it would be a good idea to start by maintaining and improving existing facilities at Arthur’s Quay.”

A Bus Eireann spokesperson said that the shelter is scheduled for replacement later this year and they were awaiting confirmation on when this work will begin.

Fáilte Ireland was also contacted, with their spokeperson replying: “The bus shelter is a matter for Limerick City Council…we have passed the information on the council.

“As the national tourism development authority, it is the role of Fáilte Ireland to support an extensive tourist information service for Limerick City and ensure that all visitors receive the information they require to enjoy their time in the city.”
