HomeNewsBrexit contingency measures for airport

Brexit contingency measures for airport


CONTINGENCY measures are in place to ensure the continuation of direct scheduled air services between Shannon Airport and the UK in the event of a no-deal hard Brexit.

That was the comment this week from a Department of Transport Spokesperson in response to calls from Fianna Fáil TD Willie O’Dea on Minister Shane Ross to act urgently to ensure that Shannon Airport has better connectivity with Europe, particularly in light of the very real prospect of a hard Brexit.

“The introduction of new air services are commercial matters between airlines and airports, including Shannon Airport. The Minister has previously emphasised the importance of the aviation industry, including airports, and has taken steps to prepare and where possible to reduce their exposure to any shocks that might arise from a hard Brexit and to encourage them to limit reliance on any one particular destination or service,” a Department of Transport Spokesperson told the Limerick Post.

“The Government, through Tourism Ireland, supports direct air access into regional airports through its Regional Cooperative Marketing Fund. Cooperative campaigns with partners facilitate increased marketing effort and help promote the destination more widely.

“An increased budget allocation in Tourism Ireland for 2019 has continued to support both seasonal and regional growth and is underscored by a commitment to focus co-operative partnership activities on the forthcoming October-December periods for Great Britain and the North American and European markets.

“The Minister encourages all regional airports, including Shannon Airport to continue to avail of this funding to optimise air services, with regard to alternative European hub connections.

“Contingency measures are in place to ensure the continuation of direct scheduled air services from all Irish airports to/from the UK in the event of a no-deal hard Brexit,” he concluded.

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