Limerick Lady Podcast: Dr. Susan Liddy, Catalyst International Film Festival

Emma Langford and Ann Blake talk to Dr. Susan Liddy, founder of Catalyst International Film Festival, about the festival which is set to take place from the 30th of March to the 1st of April at various venues around Limerick City. The three consider the challenges faced by new and emerging festivals in gaining an audience, and they discuss the key elements needed to allow such a thing to grow and survive.

Established in 2019 on the cusp of the impending pandemic, the festival was forced to go virtual in its first year but has grown ever since and has extended its tendrils into live venues around the city in 2023 as well as attracting A-list ambassador Ruth Negga. The mission of Catalyist IFF is to present a film programme that prioritises stories and storytellers currently under-represented on screen and behind the camera; to create a more inclusive industry; and to ensure that films screened throughout promote gender equality, diversity and inclusion whether in content, key creative roles, or crew.

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The Limerick Lady is a grassroots movement based in Limerick, Ireland, with a focus on promoting conversation around gender, visibility, gender balance and the arts. It was founded in 2016 by award-winning (and losing) singer-songwriter Emma Langford, who hosts the podcast alongside fellow award-winning (and losing) Limerick woman, theatre-maker and musician Ann Blake.

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New episodes drop once a month, on the third Thursday (or Thirdsday, if you will).


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The Limerick Lady is sponsored by Ormston House and supported by The Limerick Post Newspaper.

Follow Ann Blake on Twitter at annblake78, on Instagram at annblakeplay and check out  her band The Brad Pitt Light Orchestra on twitter at BPLO.
Catch her other podcasts, ‘Ann and Steve Talk Stuff’ and ‘Three Things That Matter’ #ThreethingsTM both of which are also supported by the Limerick Post Newspaper
Follow Emma on Facebook and Instagram at emmalangfordmusic and on Twitter at ELangfordmusic, and get tickets for her upcoming shows and workshops at
Follow Ann on Twitter @annblake78 and Instagram annblakeplay and her band The Brad Pitt Light Orchestra on twitter @BPLO
Follow all things Emma Langford on Facebook @emmalangfordmusic, at and you can join her patreon at
Follow all things Ormston House at
Recorded with support from Ormston House Feminist Supermarket and The Limerick Post Newspaper
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This podcast goes out the third Thursday of every month.
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Intro music: Demon Darling by Emma Langford
Outro music: Closed Book by Emma Langford

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