Over 100 options for Limerick voters in upcoming elections

Limerick voters will be spoiled for choice this June 7 election.

LIMERICK voters will have more than 100 names to choose from when they go to the polls in just two weeks.

Between the local, European, and inaugural mayoral elections on June 7, Limerick voters will have the large sum of 128 names seeking their vote.

The official number of local and mayoral candidates was confirmed this week by Limerick City and County Council, after the deadline and change-of-mind period closed on Monday.

There will be a total of 15 candidates on the ballot as Limerick votes for the first time on a directly-elected mayor.

Mayoral candidates include Brian Leddin (Green Party), Caitríona Ní Chatháin (Socialist Party), Colm Ó’Móráin (Independent), Conor Sheehan (Labour Party), Daniel Butler (Fine Gael), Dee Ryan (Fianna Fáil), Laura Keyes (Rabharta), Elisa O’Donovan (Social Democrats), Frankie Daly (Independent), Gerben Uunk (Animal Welfare Party), Helen O’Donnell (Independent), John Moran (Independent), Maurice Quinlivan (Sinn Féin), Ruairí Fahy (People Before Profit), and Sarah Beasley (Aontú).

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In the local elections, 90 candidates will contest the 40 seats of the city and county’s six local electoral areas.

In the Adare-Rathkeale municipal district, 11 candidates will contest six council seats, while seven candidates will vie for one of 14 seats in Cappamore-Kilmallock.

Only half of all candidates (12) in the Newcastle West municipal district will be able to get over the line into one of six seats.

The largest number of candidates fall into the Metropolitan District of Limerick, split into City North, City East, and City West.

In City East, 16 candidates are contesting seven seats. 19 candidates are hoping to be named on the seven seats in City North. And 18 candidates hope to be named for one of the seven seats in City West.

As a number of candidates are contesting both mayoral and local elections, a statement from the local authority explained that “in the event that one of these candidates wins a council seat and also the mayoral contest, their council seat will be filled through a co-option. The winning candidate will nominate their replacement.”

Just under a third of local election candidates are female, while six of the 15 mayoral candidates are women.

In the European elections, 23 candidates will contest the Ireland South constituency, of which Limerick is part. Other counties in the constituency include Carlow, Calre, Cork, Kerry, Kilkenny, Limerick, Tipperary, Waterford, Wexford, and Wicklow.

A full list of local election candidates in each area can be found on pages 54 to 57 of this newspaper, or on limerick.ie, while limerick.ie/mayor has more information on the role the new directly-elected mayor will play.
