XIII Doors: UK and Ireland tour and an album launch in Limerick

CLARE/LIMERICK rockers XIII Doors hit the top spot twice on iTunes Apple Music charts since their 2024 debut. The quartet is led by singer and multi-instrumentalist DJ O’Sullivan originally from Shannon who has played across Europe, the UK, and the Middle East.

The new single due on January 17 is a more mellow and reflective track called ‘See How You’ve Come So Far’.

The band talked about their busy 2024 saying, “This album has been a long time coming. There have been roadblocks and difficulties along the way, but that’s just how life goes! Sometimes when you’re in the thick of it, things can feel like an uphill struggle. Only when we look back and reflect, can we see how much progress we have really made (there’s a clue to the theme of the next single). Be kind to others and be kind to yourself on the journey.”

Their debut single called ‘Lead The Way’ was a powerful debut with big riffs and a positive message. The band’s mission is to “encourage individuals across the globe to pursue lives of purpose and happiness.”

The band’s reputation for energetic live performances has grown since their memorable debut at the Siege of Limerick. The follow up single was ‘Face The Truth’ a hard-hitting tirade against political tyranny. 


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XIII Doors go on a UK / Ireland tour this month in advance of their debut album release in February taking in Wolverhampton, Bradford, Dublin, Cork and Galway before playing a hometown show at Dolans Kasbah on Saturday February 22.

STREAM/SUPPORT XIII Doors at https://xiiidoors.bandcamp.com/

